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New Family Traditions to Start This Christmas 2020

2020 sure has been a year of its own. So, what better time than now to start creating new traditions and memories with the family.

No, we are not talking about playing a COVID inspired card game while wearing a mask, but more about activities we can all do together in the home which we remember fondly over this complete chaos of the year.

This piece will give you some ideas that you can do with your family and keep them on as traditions for years to come!

Make A Christmas Playlist

There isn’t anything quite like the Christmas hits to get you in the mood for the holiday season and making a playlist together can only bring on the Christmas spirit faster than you can say eggnog. Use a free service such as Spotify to make as many free playlists as you like, and feel free to have your own DJ session when you are complete!

The Christmas playlist will be the perfect background (or foreground) music for all Christmas activities.

Decorate the House on 1st December

After this year, if you are itching to get the decorations up on 1st November, nobody should get in your way. For those who prefer to wait until the advent calendar starts being opened, 1st December is a great new date to start getting the Christmas dec’s up together. You get a whole month to enjoy your hard work and feel the festive spirit.

Tell Each Other You Appreciate Each Other

Sounds cheesy, but we aren’t promised tomorrow, let alone next Christmas. Christmases change each year – kids grow up, relatives get older and some pass, and there will never be the same year twice (thankfully in this case). Make sure you take the time to tell each other you appreciate each other and enjoy Christmas and everything together at the moment.

Consider a holiday donation for less fortunate families, so that they may have a better Christmas too.

Have a Family Slumber Party

One of the best things about Christmas is that rules often go out of the window. No alcohol before noon? Pfft, pass the bucks fizz! No sweets before dinner? Just try and stop us. Bedtime for children at 7pm – not a chance.

Having a family slumber party is a great way to break all the rules at once, for maximum festival deviancy.

Get all pillows, duvets, cushions and blankets possible, and set up a fort in the living room and watch Christmas films, talk about all the good times that have happened this year, read Christmas stories and drink hot chocolate with extra marshmallows.

Go for A Christmas Light Tour

One of the best parts of the build up to Christmas is going to see all of the neighbor’s lights. Go late and night, take blankets and popcorn in the car, and admire everyone’s light masterpieces outside their homes. This is a particularly good trick for babies who struggle to get to sleep – the lights are just a bonus for you.